Top 15 Best Episodes of All Time in “The Office Show”

Hey there, fellow Office fans! Remember those days when we’d tune in every week to see what shenanigans were going down at Dunder Mifflin? The Office wasn’t just a show – it was a whole mood. It made us laugh, cry, and cringe (in the best way possible).

Even though it’s been off the air for a while now, we still can’t get enough of it.

Today, we’re going to take a fun trip down memory lane. We’re counting down the 15 best episodes of The Office. These are the cream of the crop, the ones that had us in stitches or reaching for the tissues.

From Michael’s craziest antics to Jim and Pam’s sweetest moments, we’ve got it all covered.

So grab your World’s Best Boss mug, settle into your office chair, and let’s dive into the world of paper, pranks, and that’s what she said jokes.

Whether you’re a die-hard fan who can quote every episode or someone who’s just getting into the show, there’s something here for everyone.

Top 15 Best Episodes of All Time in “The Office Show”

Best Episodes of All Time in The Office Show

Ready to relive some of the funniest and most touching moments from our favorite Scranton gang? Let’s get this paper party started!

Spoilers Warning:

Hold up! Before we jump in, I’ve got to wave a big red flag. This article is packed with spoilers about the stories and characters in The Office. If you haven’t watched the show yet (and seriously, what are you waiting for?), you might want to hit pause on reading this. Go binge-watch the series first, then come back. Trust me, you don’t want to ruin the surprises. The Office is best enjoyed when you don’t know what’s coming next. So, consider yourself warned – spoilers ahead!

Top 15 Best Episodes of All Time in “The Office Show”

15. The Dundies (Season 2, Episode 1)

Let’s kick things off with “The Dundies” – the episode that got the ball rolling for The Office. This gem from Season 2 is where the show found its groove.

What happens:

  • Michael hosts the annual Dundies Awards at a local bar
  • Pam gets drunk and kisses Jim (wow!)
  • We see the whole gang outside the office for the first time

Why it’s great:

  • It’s hilarious watching Michael try to be an entertainer
  • Drunk Pam is a riot
  • We start to see the characters’ real personalities shine through

Best quote: “The Dundies are kind of like a kid’s birthday party. And you go, and there’s nothing for you to do there, but the kid’s having a really good time, so you… You’re kind of there. That’s… That’s kind of what it’s like.” – Oscar

This episode is like the office party you want to go to. It’s awkward, it’s funny, and it’s got heart. Plus, it’s where we first start to see sparks fly between Jim and Pam. If you weren’t hooked on The Office before this episode, you were after.

14. Beach Games (Season 3, Episode 22)

Picture this: The whole office gang on a beach, competing in wacky games. That’s “Beach Games” for you, and it’s a wild ride from start to finish.

What goes down:

  • Michael holds a “Survivor”-style competition to find his successor
  • The staff competes in ridiculous beach games
  • Pam walks on hot coals and speaks her mind

Why it’s awesome:

  • Seeing the office dynamics play out on a beach is hilarious
  • The games are absurdly funny (sumo wrestling, anyone?)
  • Pam’s character growth is amazing to watch

Standout quote: “I just wanna lie on the beach and eat hot dogs. That’s all I’ve ever wanted.” – Kevin

This episode is like a day at the beach… if your boss was Michael Scott. It’s got laughs, it’s got drama, and it’s got Dwight in a sumo suit. What more could you want? Plus, Pam’s moment of courage at the end is just chef’s kiss.

13. Business School (Season 3, Episode 16)

“Business School” is like three mini-episodes in one, and each storyline is gold.

What’s happening:

  • Michael speaks at Ryan’s business school class
  • Dwight hunts a bat in the office
  • Pam has her first art show

Why it rocks:

  • Michael’s clueless speech is cringe comedy at its finest
  • The bat situation is pure chaos and hilarity
  • The ending with Michael and Pam is surprisingly touching

Quote to remember: “A boss is like a teacher. And I am like the cool teacher.” – Michael Scott

This episode shows off what The Office does best – mixing laugh-out-loud moments with genuine heart. You’ll be cracking up one minute and feeling all warm and fuzzy the next. It’s a perfect blend of the show’s different flavors.

12. Goodbye, Toby (Season 4, Episode 14)

Toby’s leaving, and Michael couldn’t be happier. This episode is a rollercoaster of emotions and laughs.

The lowdown:

  • Michael throws an over-the-top goodbye party for Toby
  • Holly arrives as Toby’s replacement
  • Michael instantly falls for Holly

What makes it great:

  • Michael’s over-the-top hatred for Toby is hilarious
  • The introduction of Holly adds a new dynamic
  • The party-planning chaos is classic Office humor

Memorable line: “Holly is the best thing that has happened to this company since World War II.” – Michael Scott

This episode is like a party where everything goes wrong but in the best way possible. It’s got all the classic Office elements – Michael being Michael, party-planning drama, and a hint of romance. Plus, it sets up the Michael-Holly storyline, which is pure gold.

11. Niagara: Part 1 and 2 (Season 6, Episodes 4 & 5)

Jim and Pam’s wedding is the event we’ve all been waiting for, and boy, does it deliver.

What happens:

  • The office travels to Niagara Falls for Jim and Pam’s wedding
  • Everything that can go wrong, does go wrong
  • Jim and Pam end up with a perfect wedding anyway

Why it’s amazing:

  • The chaos of the wedding preparations is hilarious
  • We get to see the whole gang outside of work
  • The actual wedding is beautifully sweet

Best quote: “I knew we needed a backup plan. The boat was Plan C, the church was Plan B, and Plan A was marrying her a long, long time ago. Pretty much the day I met her.” – Jim Halpert

This two-parter is like the perfect wedding – it’s got laughter, tears, and dance moves you’ll never forget (looking at you, Kevin). It’s the payoff for seasons of will-they-won’t-they, and it doesn’t disappoint.

10. Broke (Season 5, Episode 23)

Think Michael’s just a goofy boss? “Broke” shows us he’s got some serious business smarts too.

The plot:

  • Michael’s paper company is struggling
  • Dunder Mifflin tries to buy them out
  • Michael outsmarts them in negotiations

Why it’s a standout:

  • We see a whole new side of Michael
  • The negotiation scenes are tense and funny
  • It’s satisfying to see Michael win

Iconic quote: “Well, well, well. How the turntables…” – Michael Scott

This episode is like watching an underdog sports movie but with paper instead of sports. It’s got drama, it’s got laughs, and it’s got Michael Scott pulling off the impossible. It’s a reminder of why we love this show so much.

9. Finale (Season 9, Episode 23)

All good things must come to an end, and The Office finale does it right.

What goes down:

  • We catch up with the characters a year after the documentary airs
  • Dwight and Angela get married
  • Michael makes a surprise return

Why it’s great:

  • It gives closure to all the characters we love
  • The callbacks to earlier episodes are perfect
  • It’s emotional without being overly sappy

Touching quote: “There’s a lot of beauty in ordinary things. Isn’t that kind of the point?” – Pam

The finale is like saying goodbye to old friends. It’s bittersweet, but it leaves you with a warm, fuzzy feeling. It wraps up the series perfectly, giving us one last glimpse into the world we’ve come to love.

8. The Job (Season 3, Episode 23)

“The Job” is all about big changes and bigger surprises.

The scoop:

  • Michael, Jim, and Karen interview for a job in New York
  • Dwight becomes (temporary) regional manager
  • Jim decides to stay in Scranton and ask Pam out

Why it’s awesome:

  • Dwight’s power trip is hilarious
  • The interviews in New York are full of classic Office moments
  • Jim and Pam’s storyline takes a big step forward

Standout quote: “It is my greatest dream come true. Welcome to the Hotel Hell. Check-in time is now. Checkout time is never.” – Dwight Schrute

This episode is like a game of musical chairs, with everyone trying to grab a new position. It’s got laughs, it’s got heart, and it’s got major plot developments. Plus, Dwight as regional manager is just too good to miss.

7. The Injury (Season 2, Episode 12)

Michael hurts his foot on a George Foreman grill, and hilarity ensues.

What happens:

  • Michael burns his foot on a grill
  • Dwight gets a concussion trying to help
  • The office deals with both of them

Why it’s hilarious:

  • Michael’s overreaction is classic Michael
  • Dwight’s personality change is unexpected and funny
  • The office’s reactions to both of them are priceless

Funny quote: “I enjoy having breakfast in bed. I like waking up to the smell of bacon. Sue me.” – Michael Scott

This episode is like a comedy of errors, with one ridiculous situation leading to another. It’s The Office at its most absurd, and it works beautifully. Plus, it gives us the image of Michael with his foot in a bubble wrap cast, which is just priceless.

6. Garage Sale (Season 7, Episode 18)

The episode where Michael proposes to Holly is a perfect mix of funny and sweet.

The rundown:

  • The office holds a garage sale
  • Michael plans an over-the-top proposal for Holly
  • We say goodbye to Michael and Holly

Why it’s special:

  • The proposal scene is incredibly touching
  • The garage sale shenanigans are hilarious
  • It’s a fitting send-off for Michael’s character

Heartwarming quote: “This is where I fell in love with you… And this is where I ask you to marry me.” – Michael Scott

This episode is like a love letter to Michael’s character. It’s got all his quirks and grand gestures, but it also shows how much he’s grown. It’s the perfect way to start wrapping up his story.

5. Threat Level Midnight (Season 7, Episode 17)

We finally get to see Michael’s movie, and it’s everything we hoped for and more.

What’s it about:

  • Michael screens his action movie “Threat Level Midnight”
  • We see clips from the movie featuring the whole office
  • Everyone reacts to seeing themselves on screen

Why it’s amazing:

  • The movie within the show is hilariously bad
  • We get to see everyone in ridiculous roles
  • It’s a callback to earlier seasons

Quotable line: “Go puck yourself.” – Michael Scarn

This episode is like watching the world’s best-worst movie with all your friends. It’s ridiculous, it’s over-the-top, and it’s pure Michael Scott. Plus, seeing the whole office involved in Michael’s passion project is just heartwarming.

4. The Dinner Party (Season 4, Episode 9)

Buckle up, because “The Dinner Party” is a wild ride from start to finish.

The setup:

  • Michael and Jan host a dinner party
  • Jim, Pam, Andy, and Angela are the unlucky guests
  • Everything that can go wrong, does

Why it’s unforgettable:

  • The cringe factor is off the charts
  • Jan and Michael’s dysfunctional relationship is on full display
  • The tension keeps building in hilarious ways

Cringe-worthy quote: “That is a $200 plasma screen TV that you just killed! Good luck paying me back with your zero-dollars-a-year salary plus benefits, babe!” – Michael Scott

This episode is like watching a train wreck in slow motion – you know it’s going to be bad, but you can’t look away. It’s uncomfortable, it’s hilarious, and it’s brilliant. It’s The Office at its cringe-comedy best.

3. Ca**no Night (Season 2, Episode 22)

The season 2 finale brings the drama and the laughs in equal measure.

What goes down:

  • The office hosts a ca**no night in the warehouse
  • Michael struggles to choose between two dates
  • Jim finally confesses his feelings to Pam

Why it’s a classic:

  • The ca*no night setting is fun and different
  • Michael’s date dilemma is hilarious
  • The Jim and Pam moment is a huge turning point

Memorable quote: “Two queens on Ca**no Night. I am going to drop a deuce on everybody.” – Michael Scott

This episode is like the season finale of your favorite soap opera, but funnier. It’s got romance, it’s got comedy, and it’s got a cliffhanger that’ll have you reaching for the next episode immediately. It’s the episode that cemented The Office as a must-watch TV.

2. Stress Relief (Season 5, Episode 13)

This two-part episode kicks off with possibly the best cold open in TV history.

The rundown:

  • Dwight stages a fire drill that goes horribly wrong
  • The office undergoes CPR training
  • Michael gets roasted by the staff

Why it’s hysterical:

  • The fire drill scene is pure chaos and comedy gold
  • The CPR training devolves into hilarity
  • Michael’s reactions to being roasted are priceless

Iconic quote: “Today, smoking is gonna save lives.” – Dwight Schrute

This episode is like a greatest hits album of Office humor. It’s got physical comedy, it’s got witty one-liners, and it’s got character moments that’ll have you laughing for days. If you could only watch one episode of The Office, this would be a strong contender.

1. Goodbye, Michael (Season 7, Episode 21 & 22)

And now, the best of the best – Michael Scott’s farewell episode.

What happens:

  • Michael prepares to leave for Colorado
  • He says goodbye to each character in his own way
  • Pam catches up with him at the airport for a final goodbye

Why it’s the best:

  • It’s the perfect send-off for Michael’s character
  • The individual goodbyes are both funny and touching
  • It shows how much the characters (and we) have grown to love Michael

Tearjerker quote: “It’s just that sometimes goodbyes are a btch.”* – Jim Halpert

This episode is like saying goodbye to a friend you never thought you’d miss so much. It’s funny, it’s heartwarming, and it’s the perfect capstone to Michael’s journey. It reminds us why we fell in love with The Office in the first place.



Whew! What a journey through the best of The Office, right? From cringe-worthy moments to heartwarming scenes, these 15 episodes show why this show has become such a beloved part of TV history.

The Office isn’t just a sitcom – it’s a show that makes us laugh, cry, and everything in between. It turned a boring paper company into a world we couldn’t wait to visit every week. These episodes, in particular, stand out as the best of the best.

Whether it’s Michael’s outrageous antics, Jim and Pam’s love story, or Dwight’s… well, Dwight-ness, The Office gave us characters and moments we’ll never forget. Even years after it ended, we’re still quoting it, still rewatching it, and still loving every minute.

So, there you have it – the 15 best episodes of The Office. Whether you agree with the ranking or not (and let’s face it, every fan probably has their list), there’s no denying that these episodes represent some of the finest moments in sitcom history.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I think it’s time for a rewatch. After all, you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take – Wayne Gretzky – Michael Scott.

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